Basic methods of forest fire prevention and common sense of fire safety

2 Basic methods of forest fire prevention and common sense of fire safety

Common sense of forest fire prevention
1. The harm of forest fires Forest fires are the most dangerous enemy of forests and the most terrifying disasters of forestry. It will bring the most harmful and devastating consequences to forests. Forest fires not only burn down tracts of forest and harm the animals in the forest, but also reduce the renewal capacity of the forest, causing soil impoverishment and
Destroying the role of forests in water conservation, even causing the ecological environment to lose balance. Although the science of today's world is advancing with each passing day, mankind still has not made great progress in overcoming forest fires.

2. Types and classification of forest fires
According to the burning location, spreading speed, damage location and extent of forest fires, forest fires can be roughly divided into three categories:
1. Surface fire
2. Canopy Fire

3. Underground fire
Based on the size of the damaged forest area, forest fires are divided into the following four categories:
1. Forest fire alarm: insufficient area of ​​affected forest
Fire on 1 hectare or other forest land (including wildfire);
2. General forest fires: affected forest area
More than 1 hectare but less than 100 hectares;
3. Major forest fires: the affected forest area is more than 100 hectares but less than 1,000 hectares;
4. Extraordinarily large forest fires: the affected forest area is more than 1,000 hectares;
3. Causes of forest fires

There are two main causes of forest fires: man-made fires and natural fires.
(1) Artificial fires include the following types:
1. Productive fire sources: fire used in agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry production, fire used in forest sideline production, fire used in industrial and mining transportation production, etc.;
2. Non-productive fire sources: such as smoking in the wild, cooking, burning paper, heating, etc.;
3. Intentional arson among the fires caused by man-made fire sources, forest fires caused by land reclamation and smoking are the most common. Among the forest fires in our city, the fires caused by smoking, burning wasteland and burning paper on graves account for an absolute number.
(2) Natural fire: including lightning fire, spontaneous combustion, etc. Forest fires caused by natural fires account for about 1% of the total number of forest fires in my country.

4. Temperature, humidity and unit combustible capacity of the three elements that affect fire.

5. Fighting forest fires
(1) How to strengthen safety measures when fighting fires and strengthen fire fighting organizations. One is to send comrades with experience in fighting fires to serve as frontline commanders. The second is the temporary organization of firefighters, who must designate section and team leaders. The third is to clarify fire fighting discipline and safety matters. The fourth is to check whether the fire fighting products meet the requirements. The fire fighting clothing is very loose and flame retardant. The fifth is to strengthen fire detection and organize fire communication, rescue and logistical support. Sixth, enter from the end of the fire to fight the fire, and fight along the two wings of the fire.
hit. Seventh, don't hit the fire head directly into the wind, don't hit the mountain fire head, don't ignite the fire on cliffs, steep slopes and broken terrain, don't extinguish the fire directly in windy weather, under the conditions of raging fire, and don't extinguish the fire in dense combustibles. Eighth, the correct use of fire fighting equipment.
(2) What are the ways to escape danger and self-rescue? Retreat into the safe zone. When fighting the fire, the fire fighting team (group) should observe the changes in the fire field. In case of flying fires and cyclones, organize fire fighting personnel to enter areas with burned areas, few vegetation, and low flames. The second is to ignite themselves in accordance with the regulations. To command uniformly, choose a relatively flat place, one side
Prone to avoid danger according to the norms. In case of danger, you should choose a place with little vegetation nearby, lie down with your feet in the direction of the fire, peel away the floating soil until you see wet soil, put your face in the small pit, wrap your head with clothes, and place your hands on the front of your body. . The fourth is to break through the wind according to the norms. When the wind changes suddenly and the fire turns around, the commander must decisively issue a breakout order. The team members must act decisively, choose a place with small grass and less grass, wrap their heads with clothes, hold their breath, and violently clash against the wind. A person should be able to break through within 7.5 seconds. Don't race against the fire, you can only rush to the fire.
Basic methods of forest fire prevention
① Manual swat. Use extinguishing tools to press the fire head to reduce the supply of oxygen; use fire extinguishing tools to remove combustible materials that have been on fire, fire ashes, coal, and sparks, so that unfired combustibles can be separated from the fire source and destroy the preheating effect. The method: The firefighters are organized into groups of 3 to 4 people, using fresh branches or hand-held fire-extinguishing tools to continuously fire the heads, lightly lifting the heavy belt and dragging, sweeping and sweeping until the fire spreads under control.
② Extinguish fire with water. Use water to extinguish underground fires, surface fires, and canopy fires.
③ Use soil to extinguish the fire. Cover the burning material with sand to reduce the oxygen supply or isolate oxygen, destroying the combustion conditions.
④ Set up fire lines to prevent the spread of fire. The methods are: manually open the fire line; blast the raw soil zone; apply fire extinguishing agent to hit the isolation zone.

Post time: Dec-17-2021